
Monday, July 1, 2013

Tour company

River Plate Pesca

Região do Baixo Rio Branco


Região do Baixo Rio Branco - Lago Grande

Monday, June 24, 2013

Niquiá Ecological Station (Niquia Station)

Niquia Statio was created in 1985, and it occupies an area of 289,600 hectares, with typical flora and fauna of Amazon rainforest. It is part of the Quelonios Project, developed by the Brazilian Environmental Agency (IBAMA) to preserve tortoises and yellow-spotted river turtles. To visit it, the person must obtain previous authorization from Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, ICMbio.

For more information, contact:  
Niquiá Ecological Station – Avenida Bem Querer, 2337, São Francisco, Tel. +55-95-3532-1462
Ministry for the Environment, MMA, 
Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMbio)

Xeriuini Environmental Protected Area (Xeriuini APA)

This Environmental Protected Area (APA) was created in order to develop the South region of the county, and in 2013 it has completed 14 years of its establishment as a municipal conservation unit of Caracaraí. The Xeriuini APA is managed by the Local Government Agency for the Environment and Tourism (SEMMA).

For more information, contact:
Local Government Agency for the Environment and Tourism - SEMMA

Address: Civic Centre square, S/nº, Center

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Viruá National Park

Virúa National Park
Location: Caracaraí Municipality, central part of Roraima State.
Area: 215,918 ha
Perimeter: 189 km
Relief: Plain, with lakes and flooding areas along the Branco and Anaua Rivers.
Climate: Tropical, hot, humid, with annual average temperature between 28°C and 38°C. 

Created on: April 29, 1998 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Serra da Mocidade National Park

Serra da Mocidade National Park
Location: Caracaraí Municipality, in the central part of Roraima State.
Area: 350,960 ha.
Perimeter: 444km.
Relief: Plain, with flooding areas.
Climate: Tropical, hot, humid, with an annual average temperature between 25°C and 32°C 
Created on: April 29, 1998
For more information, contact:
Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, 
Tel: +55-95- 3532-1067

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Miracles Memorial

Miracles Memorial
Location: Avenida Dr. Zanny, s/n, alongside the Branco River shore, downtown.  
Description: This is a memorial built by St. Joseph, the Parish Worker, in partnership with Brazilian Petrol Company, PETROBRAS. The Memorial portraits the history and a series of supposed miracles attributed to the cowboy Bernardino related to his accident with a bull and risks of death. His healing and survival are attributed to religious and spiritual interventions of Nossa Senhora do Livramento.

State of Conservation: Great, the site was recently renovated.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Bem-Querer Rapids

Bem-Querer rapids
At Bem-Querer Rapids, the visitor can practice canoeing, fishing and kayaking, and can also appreciate ancient paintings in the rocks.  At the Rapids, there is a built tourism structure which offers some services and amenities, such as: natural river bath sites, restaurant, camping area, boat rental and trails in jungle areas.